Helping Make Bible Translation Possible in Asia

Mobility, reliable electricity, handheld communications, and even the concept of a “help desk” to solve problems are often nonexistent where Bible translation needs are the greatest. JAARS makes it possible for translators to work safely and effectively in these conditions. Photo by Marc Ewell © Wycliffe Global Alliance

It takes up a third of the world’s land mass and is the most populous continent on the planet. Fascinating and perplexing with its diverse cultures, economies, landscapes, plants and animals. The world’s oldest civilizations, highest mountain peaks, largest cities, and tallest buildings reside there—Asia.

Though hundreds of millions of people live in Asia’s great cities, communities without access to God’s Word in their own language are more often found in the vast, remote areas where roads and power grids do not exist. These are areas where language development, Bible translation, and a personal encounter with the gospel are needed most.

JAARS assists our translation partners in Asia to overcome geographical and logistical barriers hindering their Bible translation work. We do this by specializing in four Solutions-oriented areas: Transportation, Training, Technology, and Media. We work with translators to provide needed transportation tools like aircraft, boats, motorbikes and four-wheel-drive vehicles along with ongoing operational training support.

Today, accurate and efficient translation depends on cutting-edge technology and expert media skills. In Asia, we provide support enabling our translation partners to use modern audio and visual media for wider communication of the gospel, especially to oral societies where written communication is not part of the culture.

JAARS serves our translation partners with locally appropriate and sustainable solutions throughout the challenging regions of the Asian continent.


As one staff worker in Asia relates: “When people see and hear the gospel presented in their own language they understand better what the gospel means to them. Audio and visual materials have been great resources to spread the good news to many language groups. When people see and hear the gospel in their language, lives change.”

Your gifts are what make this possible. The Asian continent is hungry for the gospel.

Partner with us in providing the life-changing Word of God to seeking hearts in Asia.