President’s Letter
Dear Friend,
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in 30 years of ministry is to practice thankfulness to God, especially during terrible situations. Invariably, when my wife and I have faced pain and frustration, God showed us something bigger he was doing in the situation, the ministry, and in our lives.
The writer of Hebrews says it well, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11). The key to experiencing that harvest is gratitude.
Looking back on 2020 and its challenges—a global pandemic that is still ongoing, racial and ethnic tensions that flared violently, a contentious election, economic hardship, and more—it’s hard to be thankful. I get it. However, this is when gratitude is most important.
In this season, I am so thankful to have God’s Word in my own language, in both written and audio forms. When I lacked the energy to read, I could listen. The truths sustained and encouraged me as I trust they did you. And the Holy Spirit works in our lives to reveal more of God’s character as we follow Jesus.
Your partnership with JAARS is another area for which I am very thankful. Your generous support throughout this season has truly made an impact. While we faced constraints, God enabled us to respond creatively as you’ll read in this report. Thank you for making these ministry outcomes possible, but more important, thank you for being friends with us in God’s mission.
Many more areas come to mind, more than I can recount here. I hope and pray that you also are experiencing joy through thanksgiving. Let’s continue to pray and serve together to see that those who don’t yet have God’s Word in their own languages will soon!
Yours for God’s glory,
Woody McLendon