Wings of Mercy

The dense Amazon jungle covering most of Brazil is larger than the whole Southwest United States—2,000,000 square miles. The reality of those millions of miles,…

Changed Lives

Gatik* is the only believer in his family. But that doesn’t stop him from sharing about God’s love to his Merobi* language community in South…

Together in Spite…

During the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, the internet has often been our access to the outside world. We’ve worked from home—online. Gone to school—online.…

A Trip to…

Here in the States, a weekend outing to a state park might take us on an enjoyable 60-mile jaunt. Takes about an hour. Good road.…

No Weekend Picnic

In 1938, evangelization began in the Panzi region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Yet the sharing of God’s love was hampered by…

A Dream Comes…

Alligators cruise the rivers looking for prey, ibis patrol the shallows for minnows, and rain pours across the flatlands, submerging the marshy grasses completely during…

Just in Time

What may seem like an obstacle to us—whether it’s the inability to read or other challenges—may just be the opportunity God uses to reveal himself…

In the Big…

Many years ago, God gave Cesar and Cathrim Souza, a Brazilian couple, a longing to serve in Africa with AIM Air*. The path has been…