Yezu or Yesu?

In the mountains of Budadiri, Uganda, in two rooms where mattresses cover the walls to diminish unwanted echoes, important work is occurring—the recording of an…


JAARS has a well-deserved reputation as a leader in mission aviation training. For almost 70 years, JAARS has trained pilots who challenge mountains and jungles…

Over the Ocean…

Seven laptops partook of a long, exciting journey that would change their lives forever. These computers were not destined for a boring life on a…

Called to be…

Like the donkey that faithfully, humbly carried the Savior of the world through Jerusalem toward his death, Mike and Inah Oak wish to humbly and…

More Than a…

In the early morning of March 6, Steven Posai, a recording technician, left his village on Simberi Island, Papua New Guinea, to begin his trip…

Times of Uncertainty

We all live in uncertain times. Questions about the future nibble us like fish. These uncertainties abound even more when someone is about to leap…

Biking on their…

Only God. Only God could have brought Bruce and Pamela Culler from Ohio to serve at JAARS twenty years ago. In 2000, Bruce and Pamela…

In His Blood

Flying is in Kyle Respass’ blood. His grandfather was a private pilot, his uncle’s a professional pilot, and his dad is a private pilot. His…