A Story to…

There was only one known believer among the Ayri* in Africa, until… they began listening to God’s Word in their own language. For years a…

One Step at…

Hannah is a planner. She loves knowing what’s going to happen. But she has learned that God often has different plans than what she expects,…

YAJASI vs. the…

Like most countries, the Coronavirus has caused major changes for YAJASI, our aviation partner in Papua, Indonesia. Change Number One: No More Passenger Flights According…

Woody McLendon
An Update From…

It’s hard to believe that it was only six weeks ago that I shared with you—and with our mission partners around the world—how JAARS was…

Serving by Printing

JAARS has discovered a new weapon to use in the battle with COVID-19: 3D printers! Terry Heffield, Aviation Research and Development Manager at JAARS, heard…

A Tuckered-Out Toyota

Tucker, the tuckered-out Toyota, here with some exciting news. The last few years, I’ve joyfully served ACATBA* here in the Central African Republic (CAR). I’ve…

Serving by Sewing

May 14 UPDATE:  The team of seamstresses sewing face masks have made approximately 1,632 masks that have been distributed to healthcare workers, the JAARS community,…

Deeper and Wider

Bible translation was not Kividi Kikama’s call or training, yet God had been equipping him for this role throughout his life. Kividi is a member…