A Cow and…

The Samburu people in Kenya, Africa, say that in the beginning their god created a Samburu person, a cow, and a book. While the Samburu…

A Letter From…

    Together we are watching a global pandemic of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 impact our world at an increasingly rapid rate. For many the…

Not Your Average…

For most of us, the main worry on road trips is where the next restroom is. But when a team from the Yansi* Linguistic Community…

Unseen Heroes

How do teachers, pilots, or translators get all their goods from their homes in the States to the country where they serve? They call on…

Serving with a…

Cheyanne was in eighth grade when she first came to JAARS on a mission trip with her school, Smithtown Christian, from New York. Her older…

A Powerful, New…

The Colombia workshop began with a major setback: Mark’s colleague was diagnosed with shingles and couldn’t attend. Mark traveled to Colombia, knowing he’d be alone…

No Tower of…

A Tower of Babel syndrome can set in when teams who need to collaborate don’t share the same language. Communication is halting, at best. So,…

Snakes and Surprises

Sometimes God calls us to serve overseas. Other times he calls us to serve him right in our home country. Either path can contain unwanted…