Such a Time…

Dee didn’t plan to serve overseas until about two years ago. She was seeking a part-time ministry because she planned to return to school. At…

What’s Your Dream?

What dreams inhabit your heart? Since Wycliffe Benin, a JAARS partner in Africa, launched their activities in April 2003, its members have nourished a dream—a…

Grandma Sese

Whenever Ross, a Scripture Engagement worker for the Baki people in Vanuatu, and Lyndal, his wife, visited Grandma Sese’s village, she made sure a room…

Ensuring Old Dogs…

N365BT, a Pilatus Porter PC-6 aircraft, has an interesting past and an important future. To prepare it for this future, JAARS aviation workers are completing…

Off the Hook?

For a long time Sarah Baer believed missionaries were either doctors or pastors. And since she didn’t qualify, she believed she was off-the-hook. God used…

God’s Pure Pilgrims

These pilgrims came from Plymouth, Michigan, not Plymouth, Massachusetts. Their destination was JAARS, not the New World. Members of Trinity Evangelical Presbyterian Church drove down…

A Win-Win

For an update on this story, go here. Sassy the Cessna here. I don’t know about you, but when I’m about to move somewhere new…

‘It Just So…

The largest airshow in the United States, EAA AirVenture, occurs in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. In July, more than 10,000 aircraft and approximately 642,000 people attended this…