Lightning Effects

Besides endangering living creatures, lightning can also endanger computers, especially in Cameroon, Africa, during the rainy season.  At the SIL* Center in Yaoundé, Cameroon, where…

To Go Where…

Chimpanzees hoot, elephants forage for fallen fruit, and endangered okapi tread through the primeval rainforest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This country is…

Stuck with Cement

Surrounded by jewel-bright parrots and perfume-sweet flowers, two South Americans, Julia* and Bernardo*, serve the remote people of this beautiful continent. They run a local…

It’s Worth It

Endless hours performing seemingly fruitless work, exhaustion and drained patience, mundane tasks repeated daily: everyone faces them at some point regardless of career choice. Those…

Out of their…

The members of the Suba translation team on Kenya’s Mfangano Island in Lake Victoria—Jael, Boniface, and Samwel—recently faced their fears of deep water.  A group…

Seeing by Hearing

In a city in Central Asia, six translators from a minority people group, joined by two American translation advisors, gathered daily for three weeks to…

Seeking Wise Counsel

“Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” Heeding this advice from Proverbs 15:22 to “seek wise counsel,” Kerrick Tweedy of SOAR (Service…

Top Gun to…

“I feel the need, the need for speed!” Maverick and his fellow aviator, Goose, jubilantly exclaim after returning from a high-speed flight in their jet…