Real-Life Struggles Dramatized

Andreas Ernst, the director of training and equipping at International Media Services with SIL*, grew up in a family of mission workers in rural Cameroon.…

Scripture Can Go…

Because of religious insecurity in western Africa, evangelical churches there have realized that they can no longer succeed in sharing the gospel unless they share…


Aviation and jigsaw puzzles would seem to have little in common, but JAARS recently faced a situation resembling a jigsaw puzzle—except the pieces were aircraft…

Never Too Old…

Elizabeth Farnsworth, a JAARS New Hampshire advocate, invites friends over for dinner. She serves rice to each guest and gives them each a single chopstick…

Getting Out of…

For Nina and Richard DeVreese, driving down their driveway in Guatemala is an adventure. They serve with a JAARS partner, Paradise Bound Ministries (PBM), sharing…

The Last 12…

Back in 2008, Rick*, a staff member for the JAARS partner SIL, gave a presentation on the value of publishing Scripture on the internet.  He…


Editor’s Note:  Enjoy this guest post by Kenny Grindall, who works with our partner SIL. JAARS helped fund the rewiring of the network in the…

Sense of Adventure

Olivia has had several jobs over the years, but many of them have had one theme in common—they have all been adventurous. Twenty-five-year-old Olivia has…