Moving Forward In…

Navigating a maze of ruts on a narrow dirt track. Crossing fast-flowing rivers fed by more than ten feet of rain a year—without a bridge.…

More Than The…

As we near completion of the renovations to our repurposed transport boat, the project has broadened in scope. Originally JAARS was to handle purchasing a…

Jonathan Faught is in the final stages of training before going to Papua Indonesia as a PC-6 Porter pilot-mechanic.
Giving Wings To…

Equipping new pilots and mechanics to serve overseas and helping seasoned staff maintain their flying and fixing skills keep our instructors up in the air…

Hearing God’s Word…

A young girl in North Tanna, Vanuatu, had often talked to her grandmother about Jesus and asked her to come to church. Her grandmother, who…

Making Connections In…

“Please investigate what options are available to get a better Internet connection at the Kara Centre in the north of Togo. Their current Internet connection…

Ready to Serve

Congratulations to the 2016 pre-field aviation orientation class! Please continue to praying for them and their families as they pursue the next steps toward service…

Braving Bugs, Dirt,…

Imagine spending a week in a place resembling a remote village where you sleep in huts called champas. This summer, young people are coming to…

Recording a song
Recording Studio Speaks…

“Audio material is highly appreciated in an illiterate community. This has been a blessing to us and to all the B community.” —“Jarendi,” a believer…