Missionary Maintenance: How…

Feeling Stuck? Do you feel like God is calling you to serve overseas with your technical skills or to make a difference with your money,…

Two men look at the camera, one in the foreground has aviation headgear around his neck.
A Day in…

Fences of frustration, mazes of misfortune, and canyons of confusion can line the path leading to mission aviation. But when a missionary pilot or mechanic…

A man stands next to his wife in front of the JAARS sign
Missionary Pilot Requirements…

What is Required of a Missionary Pilot Hoping to Train at JAARS?  Navigating a short-takeoff and-landing aircraft over mist-shrouded mountains to reach people who have…

Reaching Unreached People…

Reaching the Unreached On the Tops of Mountains The formerly unreached Ketengban people in Papua, Indonesia, always built their villages as high on top of…

A New Mission…

Jesus’ Call “Come, follow me,” Jesus says as he looks at 12 modern-day disciples, “and I will make you fishers of men.” The 12 leave…

PT-6 Engine Course…

A Gap in Skills and Knowledge of the PT-6 Engine Just as our bodies don’t work without food, an aircraft doesn’t fly without fuel. Most…

A plane on a grass runway in Indonesia
Who Will Be…

Reaching the Unreached: No Easy Feat “I only hope that [the Lord] will let me preach to those who have never heard that name Jesus.…

A helicopter pilot stands besides a group of Papua New Guinean boys and ben with a helicopter in the background.
Covering the Last…

This is part two of the story about Garrett’s trip to reach the Nema people. Read about his dangerous trip via road. The Need for…