JAARS Aviation Training…

After morning devotions and flight briefings, three aircraft. JAARS training staff, and orientees preparing for worldwide mission service headed to the North Carolina mountains for…

Training to Serve…

Bryan Jones will soon face challenges flying with our partner SIL in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Bryan’s role—one he has sought for years—will be to…

At The Heart…

Spring arrives early in North Carolina. And at the JAARS campus, March brings some great opportunities to explore how you can be a part of…

Jonathan Faught is in the final stages of training before going to Papua Indonesia as a PC-6 Porter pilot-mechanic.
Giving Wings To…

Equipping new pilots and mechanics to serve overseas and helping seasoned staff maintain their flying and fixing skills keep our instructors up in the air…

Ready to Serve

Congratulations to the 2016 pre-field aviation orientation class! Please continue to praying for them and their families as they pursue the next steps toward service…