An Extra “Hand”

Tom Beekman, the aviation standards coordinator at JAARS, has gotten to know the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport well this last year. He made six trips…

Students Again

Rob Peterson and Jeff Johnson are experienced JAARS pilots who have flown extensively for JAARS and on overseas assignments. Even so, Rob and Jeff, along…

Just Part of…

Richard and Nina DeVreese will begin serving in Guatemala with our partner Paradise Bound Ministries this year. Richard will be a pilot, and Nina will…

More People =…

When James Grabhart was a kid, a missionary pilot came to his church and spoke about landing on a mountain, getting captured by guerrilla warriors,…

On the Same…

Three JAARS mechanics recently had the opportunity to travel to Haiti, the land of breathtakingly blue seas, spicy French Creole cuisine, and fluttering palm trees.…

Their Crowning Achievement

Before the birds fill the mountain air with their songs and the sun throws its warm golden rays across the sky, three JAARS Pre-Field Orientation…

Far-Flung People

Last spring, several members of the land transportation team at JAARS encountered some serious pandemic roadblocks. JAARS had provided motorcycles to a Bible translation partner…

Life Upsets

Sometimes, during tough experiences in life, our eyes are on the changing circumstances around us, when what we really need to do is keep our…