A Matter of…

For most Americans, water safety means not getting into the pool after a full meal. For a group of dedicated Filipinos who work in the…

Unusual Donations

What do you do with old planes? Repurpose them for training of course! SIL Papua New Guinea* donated a Cessna 206 to JAARS in 2010.…

Such a Time…

Dee didn’t plan to serve overseas until about two years ago. She was seeking a part-time ministry because she planned to return to school. At…

Their Only Obstacle

Mud, sand and punctured tires won’t stop the Iyansi translation team now! The Yansi people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) recently received the…

An Excellent Tool

Sweat dews on the pilot’s forehead and slides like a raindrop down his cheek, even though cool air tousles his hair. He frowns in concentration…

Hopefully the Last…

Dee accidentally crashed a motorcycle into a tree. On the third day of the JAARS motorcycle course, the instructors took the three participants on some…

The Power of…

Like a pebble striking a windshield and causing cracks to spider web across the glass, an airplane accident can have an untold number of repercussions.…

Confidence 101

Avionics technician Daniel Jezowski had attended training at JAARS as an pre-field orientee before, but this last time, he spent two months here as a…