Sharpening Their Skills

Some people serve God by translating the Bible. Others serve him by giving up their fields for mission pilots-in-training to land on. For about 40…

Cross-Cultural Confusion or…

Someone beats a beggar violently in the street. Kids scrounge around trash heaps for food or treasure to sell. Everywhere blink eyes full of despair.…

Making a Stand…

JAARS is blessed to associate with many Christian people and organizations who regularly make a stand for Christ. Recently, some dedicated JAARS partners took this…

Temperamental Temperatures

A vast wall of grey rain clouds sits atop the vibrant green Papua New Guinean Mountains, blocking the small plane’s path. As the plane bounces…

4WD Training in…

Watch here and see what it was like for the West Aitape Cluster team members who took a JAARS 4WD training course and how it…

Keep the Light…

Burnout. Like a star that burns brilliantly for years but then flickers and snuffs out, many mission workers’ lights threaten to extinguish due to the…

Conquering More than…

Imagine driving across a bridge of slippery, muddy logs. Or imagine driving through a muddy pit where four feet of sloshing water makes it nearly…

Ready for Service

Skill, knowledge, experience are key elements that can make all the difference when families and individuals are approaching missions in a demanding new setting. They…