A Tuckered-Out Toyota

Tucker, the tuckered-out Toyota, here with some exciting news. The last few years, I’ve joyfully served ACATBA* here in the Central African Republic (CAR). I’ve…

More Than Landing…

The JAARS Aviation pre-field orientation (PFO) is a “master’s degree” training program for mission pilots and mechanics preparing to serve the Lord overseas. This 16-week…

How Long Will…

The soil of the hearts of the Zande people who live in the Pazande region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are ready…

Hearts of Gold

Mountains ensconced with carpets of green, skies bursting with rainbows, and waterfalls shedding jeweled water drops: the tableau of beautiful Papua, Indonesia. But even more…

A Cow and…

The Samburu people in Kenya, Africa, say that in the beginning their god created a Samburu person, a cow, and a book. While the Samburu…

Not Your Average…

For most of us, the main worry on road trips is where the next restroom is. But when a team from the Yansi* Linguistic Community…

A Matter of…

For most Americans, water safety means not getting into the pool after a full meal. For a group of dedicated Filipinos who work in the…

A Lifeline

More than 1,500 Onobasulu live in seven villages and various hamlets in a remote part of Hela Province of Papua New Guinea. About half the…