How good it is to share a photo of the R66 reassembled in Cameroon!
R66 Reassembly Complete!

Praise the Lord! The team of JAARS and SIL Cameroon aircraft mechanics finished reassembly of the R66 helicopter! Our pilots hovered the aircraft to make…

Container with R66 arrives at the hangar in Yaounde
The R66 Container…

Praise the Lord! After two months in customs, the container holding the R66 helicopter was released and has arrived at the hangar in Yaounde, Cameroon!…

The entire Leman family visited John Strawser at the Bloomington, Illinois MATA event in August, 2015, accompanied by Fred’s mother Karen.
God Can Use…

A Story Told by John Strawser and Fred and Jodi Leman John: We had come to Pekin, Illinois, for a Missions at the Airport event at…

Praising God for His Provision of 4WDs
Praising God for…

With grateful hearts, we give praise to the Lord for the provision of not just one but two 4WD vehicles—one in Papua New Guinea (PNG)…

A JAARS pilot introduces our helicopter to a group of Florida youngsters.
Missions May Be…

It’s a pleasant day at a small county airport. Gleaming aircraft are parked in displays around the grounds. The buzz of a Helio Courier taking…

JAARS Aviation Training…

After morning devotions and flight briefings, three aircraft. JAARS training staff, and orientees preparing for worldwide mission service headed to the North Carolina mountains for…

R66 Bound for…

Helicopter pilot Jeff Johnson, JAARS President Woody McLendon, and chief pilot Bruce Powell are in Wichita, Kansas to take delivery of the nearly new R66…

The runway cutting crew: Andrew Tieman, Steve Bevelhymer, Scott Musselman, Mike Bunn, B.J. Diggins
Cutting for Clearance

Chief Pilot Bruce Powell cutting trees Instructor Pilot Mike Bunn cutting trees Runway width cut back; now there’s proper clearance for the PC-6. The runway…