Training to Serve…

Bryan Jones will soon face challenges flying with our partner SIL in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Bryan’s role—one he has sought for years—will be to…

New 4WD Vehicle…

What a joy to share that a new Toyota Hilux 4WD vehicle was delivered earlier this week to BTA, our translation partner in Papua New…

Turbine Helicopter for…

We’re excited to announce that we’ve closed on the purchase of an almost new Robinson R66 turbine helicopter for service in northwest Cameroon. The R66…

Trip to Taveta

Traversing roads like these requires a 4WD vehicle like this. A recent trip to Taveta on the coast of Kenya was greatly facilitated by the…

First official take-off from the new runway
Celebrating the North-South…

Craig Russell, JAARS Director of Aviation leading the ceremony this morning. Eric Peterson, airport manager and leader of the project, giving the history and background…

Africa Flight Service:…

Brandon Penkoff has been flying a Cessna 206 in Cameroon for the last three years. His work in support of Scripture translation, plus medical evacuations…

Initial Testing Complete…

Ready to go to Lake Wateree Putting the boat in the water Finally in the water Daryl Beltz and technicians from the engine manufacturer checking…

Moving Forward In…

Navigating a maze of ruts on a narrow dirt track. Crossing fast-flowing rivers fed by more than ten feet of rain a year—without a bridge.…