Kwadima means star in Dobu, a local language of Milne Province in southeast Papua New Guinea (PNG). Thus, it is fitting that a 15-ton motor…

Beside the Crocodiles

Armor-plated crocodiles slide through the Congo River’s tea-colored waters, manatees coast through its tributaries hunting for verdant grasses, and river otters wrestle along its sandy…

“We say the…

Like David hiding for his life from Saul in the caves of Israel, the H* community in Cameroon sometimes finds itself seeking refuge from an…

What a Privilege

I, Laila the Land Cruiser, am overjoyed! I have finally arrived in the Central African Republic and am serving with the national Bible translation, literacy,…

Twice the Fun*

Tucked up at the high end of a verdant valley in the mountains of Papua, Indonesia lies the village of Tauban. Brad McFarlane, a pilot…

“It blew me…

It’s not every day that Nathan Hicker gets to sleep in a hammock strung across the walls of a hangar. Nathan, the JAARS Aviation Training…

You Don’t Do…

What characteristics should future mission aviators possess?  About 49 years ago, this question and others drove Moody Aviation, LeTourneau, and the School of Missionary Aviation…

Step by Step

For an update on this story, go here. Sassy the Cessna here, though you might not recognize me at this point. I don’t look much…