No Weekend Picnic

In 1938, evangelization began in the Panzi region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Yet the sharing of God’s love was hampered by…

In the Big…

Many years ago, God gave Cesar and Cathrim Souza, a Brazilian couple, a longing to serve in Africa with AIM Air*. The path has been…

Yezu or Yesu?

In the mountains of Budadiri, Uganda, in two rooms where mattresses cover the walls to diminish unwanted echoes, important work is occurring—the recording of an…

A Ticking Time…

What do a church in the Czech Republic, JAARS, and Mbeya, Tanzania, all have in common? They all want to keep translation teams drafting Scripture…

A Story to…

There was only one known believer among the Ayri* in Africa, until… they began listening to God’s Word in their own language. For years a…

A Tuckered-Out Toyota

Tucker, the tuckered-out Toyota, here with some exciting news. The last few years, I’ve joyfully served ACATBA* here in the Central African Republic (CAR). I’ve…

Nomads for Jesus

“Wait, not yet,” God told Beth Ervin when she prayed in college about teaching missionary kids overseas. So she taught in Christian schools in Ohio…

Immeasurable Treasure

Among the sweltering heat and migrating antelope in South Sudan, Tanya promotes Bible translation via education and literacy amidst ten different language groups. One of…