Celebrating the Keliko…

Praise the Lord! On August 11 in Uganda, the Keliko people celebrated the completion of their New Testament! It’s the 1,000th New Testament that our…

Website Workshop in Kenya
Website Workshop in…

Twelve participants in a nine-day workshop in Kenya worked on building websites that will make Scripture, literacy and community development information accessible to people in…

R66 Flies First…

Praise the Lord! The R66 helicopter is operational and ready to support Bible translation and humanitarian service in northwest Cameroon! Once it cleared customs, the…

R66 Helicopter Dedicated…

This morning in Yaoundé, people gathered in front of the hangar for a prayer of dedication for the R66. After a few more training flights…

How good it is to share a photo of the R66 reassembled in Cameroon!
R66 Reassembly Complete!

Praise the Lord! The team of JAARS and SIL Cameroon aircraft mechanics finished reassembly of the R66 helicopter! Our pilots hovered the aircraft to make…

Container with R66 arrives at the hangar in Yaounde
The R66 Container…

Praise the Lord! After two months in customs, the container holding the R66 helicopter was released and has arrived at the hangar in Yaounde, Cameroon!…

Damien was trained in every step of the process, so he can repair any problems that may arise in the future.
Improving Communications for…

  Weston came to Mali from the US with the new PBX telephone system. Jacques arrived from France, bringing computer network hardware. With the local IT specialist,…

Sharing solutions to common problems is often cited by participants as one of the most valued aspects of an IT Connect workshop, which always begins with praising God and seeking his blessing.
Creating Solutions: Training…

Information Technology (IT) personnel from Bible translation organizations all across Africa—and beyond— recently gathered for two yearly IT Connect conferences. Some traveled to Burkina Faso…