Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
What About the MKs?

It can be easy to forget that MKs (missionary kids) have a part in the work their missionary parents are doing overseas. When people answer…

An Excellent Tool

Sweat dews on the pilot’s forehead and slides like a raindrop down his cheek, even though cool air tousles his hair. He frowns in concentration…

The Power of Sound

What does the cassowary—a bird found in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Australia—say? Someone who has never seen or heard the cassowary might have a…

Where’d the Power Go?

How would you work if you only had intermittent power for about eight hours during the week—some of which came on at night? Jacques, an…

A Spiritual Battle

“We are in a battle. Not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). God revealed…

Hopefully the Last Crash

Dee accidentally crashed a motorcycle into a tree. On the third day of the JAARS motorcycle course, the instructors took the three participants on some…

Where’s my Kimchi?

Bug bites, humid heat, bizarre food, and a different language—can these really be the ingredients for an enjoyable experience? Yes! God turned these challenges into…

The Power of Safety

Like a pebble striking a windshield and causing cracks to spider web across the glass, an airplane accident can have an untold number of repercussions.…

Even More Mouthwatering

In Africa, the cuisine covers everything from zesty chicken sprinkled with cashews and peanuts to grilled freshwater fish served alongside greens drenched in a peanut…