Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
Paradise on Earth

“I never thought I would leave my comfort zone to do missionary work like this, even though I’m not a missionary overseas,” Beatrice relates about…

A Land of Spiritual Desolation

Sometimes silence masks the most capable souls. Jim, who works for one of JAARS partner organizations, discovered this truth during a ten-day workshop in South…

You are Not an Afterthought

Even though 9,000 miles, an ocean, and torrid mountains stand between Andrew Sims in the U.S. and the men he works with in the highlands…

Serving by Counting

Fourteen years. For fourteen years a group from Calvary Fellowship Church has driven ten hours from Downingtown, Pennsylvania, to Waxhaw, North Carolina to count airplane…

We Welcome You!

Like a flower blooming in the spring, JAARS will soon open and bloom for individuals, groups, and families. The first JAARS Day of 2019, where…

Conquering More than Roads

Imagine driving across a bridge of slippery, muddy logs. Or imagine driving through a muddy pit where four feet of sloshing water makes it nearly…

Shoeboxes and Bridges

Before computers, there were shoeboxes. Early Bible translators and other Scripture workers, when learning a language, would write the new words on index cards, collecting…

My Journey South

My name’s Cess (I’m a Cessna 206 airplane; the name’s not too creative, I know). I’m currently recovering from a more than 30-hour trip to…

A Repurposed Life

Duane Troyer’s grandfather grew up amid the Amish people who spoke Pennsylvania Dutch, an English-German dialect. Though Duane’s grandfather, Grandpa Martin, spoke English to Duane…