Jaars Center


Read the latest on our work to make Bible translation possible, all over the world.
A JAARS pilot introduces our helicopter to a group of Florida youngsters.
Missions May Be Coming to an Airport Near You!

It’s a pleasant day at a small county airport. Gleaming aircraft are parked in displays around the grounds. The buzz of a Helio Courier taking…

“What Will Happen to Me After Death?”

Kuttan, a worshipper of ancestral spirits from the “JK” community, was invited to help with the consultant check during the dubbing of the JESUS film into his mother tongue. As…

JAARS Aviation Training Moves from Waxhaw to the NC Mountains for 10 Days

After morning devotions and flight briefings, three aircraft. JAARS training staff, and orientees preparing for worldwide mission service headed to the North Carolina mountains for…

Solar Power Systems for Bible Translation Teams in Cameroon

Putting together the platform for solar panels Setting the platform in place Setting up the equipment Solar power system components Connected Setting up the equipment…

Roviana-language Bible
Roviana Bible Dedication Is May 23

In 1902 the Roviana were the first to accept Christianity in the Solomon Islands. The Roviana New Testament was completed in 1995. On May 23,…

R66 Bound for Waxhaw

Helicopter pilot Jeff Johnson, JAARS President Woody McLendon, and chief pilot Bruce Powell are in Wichita, Kansas to take delivery of the nearly new R66…

The runway cutting crew: Andrew Tieman, Steve Bevelhymer, Scott Musselman, Mike Bunn, B.J. Diggins
Cutting for Clearance

Chief Pilot Bruce Powell cutting trees Instructor Pilot Mike Bunn cutting trees Runway width cut back; now there’s proper clearance for the PC-6. The runway…

Bible Bounty Bound for the Boat

This truckload of New Testaments in the Paama & S.E. Ambrym languages is bound for the island communities in Vanuatu where they’ll be celebrated on…

Training to Serve the Lord

Bryan Jones will soon face challenges flying with our partner SIL in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Bryan’s role—one he has sought for years—will be to…