
Mobility: Lesson 1

"Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport" by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat


Ask your child(ren):

  • What are you looking forward to about going to another country?
  • What are some concerns/worries you have about living there?

Help your child(ren) make a list of the things they think may be different in their host country.

When you’re ready, watch the read-aloud video with your child(ren)

After Viewing

Let’s make a list of the things the boy was worried about when he was moving out west.

There were ten worries – baseball, chasing buffaloes, cactuses, slow hellos, wearing chaps, spurs, riding a horse to school, all sheriffs, no friends or friends only named Tex or Slim, only chili and beans, hot, collapsing, buzzards, and Gila monsters who meet you at the airport.   

How could we group these?

Food, clothing, safety, shelter, acceptance, etc. 

Let’s look at his list and our list that we made before viewing.

Point out to your child(ren) the similarities between both lists. Note that these are all common concerns to have about about things you don’t know anything about.

How could the boy in our story have eased his fears? What could he have done differently?

No right or wrong answers for this one; encourage your child(ren) to be honest.

Take this opportunity to reassure your child without invalidating the existence of their fear. Remind them that it’s normal to be scared, but there are also ways to help settle some of that fear.

How did his fears change when he found out what things were really like?

He found that life wasn’t much different out west.

Address the idea of stereotypes, such as all westerners saying “Howdy”.

Post-Reading Activity

Gila Monster Craft

We are going to make our own Gila Monsters! There are two versions of this craft to accommodate for the materials you have on hand; choose whichever version is best for you and your family.

Option 1:


  • Wooden craft spoon
  • Three brown pipe cleaners
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • Magnet strips
  • Brown and tan paint and brushes
  • Scissors

Assembly: Paint craft spoon brown. Let dry. Paint tan diamonds on stick. Cut eight 2″ pieces of pipe cleaners. Make the feet by twisting one 2″ piece around the end of another 2″ piece. Trim. Glue to the back of the Gila monster. Twist the end of a pipe cleaner into a coil. Glue to the back for a tail. Glue on wiggle eyes.

Option 2:


Assembly: Print the craft, paint or color craft, cut out all pieces and assemble

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