JAARS Apprentices

There are many new things happening at JAARS! The JAARS Apprentices program, a training opportunity, prepares new missionary mechanics and pilots for deployment into successful, long-term service at JAARS hubs...

A runway in Papua New Guinea, the Pacific rainforest in the Green Band
Touch Down Zone:…

Region: Papua New Guinea Surface: Grass/clay Elevation: 5,580 feet Length: 540 meters/1,772 feet Width: 31 meters/102 feet Slope: 10.1%  Language group served:  Nankina serves the…

God’s Word Arrives…

In early January the YAJASI team assisted with delivering God’s Word to the Moi people in Daboto, Indonesia. Pilots Brad McFarlane and Kars Kroneman flew…

The God of…

YAJASI pilots Luke Sjoblom and my husband Kars were scheduled for two PC-6 flights to a remote village for the first-ever baptisms among the N*…

Proclaim His Praise…

Let them give glory to the LORD and proclaim his praise in the islands                       …