Where Needed Most: God’s Word Comes With Great Joy
The Bughotu people of the Solomon Islands are rejoicing in the recent launch of the complete New Testament in the language that speaks—literally—to their hearts.
Earlier this year, Lauren and Connie Runia mentored students working in makeshift studios set up on the small island of Siasigara as they recorded the final books of the Bughotu New Testament. The readers, who paddled in by canoe every morning, “were excited to be a part of the recording,” Lauren reported. “Several of them shared how the Scriptures in their language spoke to their hearts as they practiced for the recording.”
The Anglican Cathedral in Honiara was the site for the May celebration and distribution of the audio Scriptures on micro SD cards. “The members of parliament for both the province and the national assembly were in attendance and are so happy about the Bible app in their language,” says Cynthia Rollins, Scripture-Use Specialist for the Solomon Islands Group. “We are grateful to you who make it possible to bring God’s Word in audio format to the peoples of Solomon Islands!”
Your gifts to the Where Needed Most fund supported the training, travel, and equipment costs that brought God’s Word to ears and hearts in the Bughotu language. You can support this fund here. Thank you!