You can provide the transportation necessary for Bible translation

When it rains in some parts of Chad, Africa, dirt roads turn into rivers. While returning from inviting a church to get involved in an Old Testament translation project, one translation team had to cross flooded areas by ox cart.

The development manager and the driver walking down a ‘road’ during the wet season.

This team serves with ATALTRAB* in Moundou, Chad, the hub for four Bible translations, six literacy projects, and three oral Bible translations. Their closest project is 62 miles away, and the furthest is 186. Translators must travel to these areas to evaluate their projects, test translated Scriptures with the communities, reach out to church leaders to share the vision of Bible translation, and encourage local churches to contribute spiritually, materially and financially to this vital work.

The dirt or clay roads that access these areas are often flooded during the rainy season and occupied by sandbanks after the water recedes. In some villages, they are mere tracks used exclusively for bicycles or motorcycles. In the dry season, the roads are sandy or eroded.

Public transportation is not a good option, as the vehicles are often worn out, overloaded, and subject to frequent breakdowns.

This is why ATALTRAB has asked JAARS for a vehicle and ten motorcycles: to ensure they can finish their Bible translation projects efficiently and quickly.

According to Caleb Ndonam, the director of ATALTRAB: “Bible translation is the most effective way to fight against violent religious extremism, harmful traditional practices, intercommunity conflicts and illiteracy, and moral and spiritual poverty—evils that dangerously threaten Chadian communities.”

You can help these Chadians have access to God’s transformative Word by giving to Land Transportation Solutions.

* The Chadian Association for Literacy, Linguistics and Translation of the Bible


Opportunity $540,000*

You can ensure that Bible translation proceeds quickly and efficiently in Chad and elsewhere in Africa by giving to Land Transportation Solutions.**


**All fundraising goals are based on the latest numbers available and are subject to change as we deploy current projects and commit to new ones for our partners around the world.