You help us train maintenance specialists to serve overseas
Jon Damon(right), the JAARS maintenance training coordinator, dreamed of developing a mentorship program for aviation maintenance specialists. His own maintenance training for overseas service was haphazard, and he had to pick up training in bits and pieces. Jon has longed for a place where mentorship can help people work through their weaknesses.
And this dream is becoming a reality! With help from people like you giving to JAARS Aviation Training Solutions, JAARS has begun a JATO (JAARS Assisted Take-Off) program for maintenance specialists.
The first JATO participant began PFO with the other orientees in March and will serve with AIM* AIR in Kenya.
*Africa Inland Mission
Now, when maintenance specialists who come to JAARS hoping to qualify for Pre-Field Orientation (PFO) learn they need more experience, they can take the JATO program.
Opportunity $1,000,000*
Your gifts to Aviation Training Solutions enable JAARS to train much-needed aircraft maintenance specialists for service with our field partners.
*All fundraising goals are based on the latest numbers available and are subject to change as we deploy current projects and commit to new ones for our partners around the world.