What’s in the Box?
In the course of supporting the Bible translation effort in Papua New Guinea, I transported some unique cargo recently.
Can you guess what’s in the boxes?
This first one is easy
I carried some young goats to a rural village to help start a goat-raising project. The goats will help provide sustainable protein intake for the village through milk and meat.
This next one might be a little more difficult. Look closely at the holes in the boxes.
Can you guess what’s inside?
Young crocodiles!
That’s right. They are interesting creatures. I flew this load of 120–130 small crocs from the Sepik River to a farm along the coast. The farm provides income for rural communities in the Sepik River area.
One airplane, but two very different animals. One might even be considered a meal by the other. But both were transported in the same plane. Have you ever wondered why the Bible is relevant to the lives of people in vastly different cultures and languages all over the world? The same God created us all and desires a relationship with each one of us. God’s Word provides the understanding that helps us all seek that relationship.
The next time you see a fancy crocodile handbag or pair of boots, you might want to think about God’s book, the Bible, and the 300 languages in Papua New Guinea that still need access to his Word. Tracy and I consider this daily as we work to see God’s Word become available for all here in PNG.