Cover the Last Mile
of Missions

Cover the
Last Mile
of Missions


What Is the Last Mile?

Beyond the reach of an airline flight, boat charter or bus route live people who need God’s Word. The distance between these unreached people groups and the gospel is the last mile of missions. JAARS covers this last mile using specialized airplanes, boats and off-road vehicles.

How Do We Cover It?

We carry Bible translators and other missionaries across transportation barriers that keep them from reaching communities hungry for God’s Word. That way, they can focus on the work God called them to do. We collaborate with our partners—to do research, develop plans and provide effective solutions that target each partner’s specific needs.

Global Efforts. Eternal Impact.


Training Flight Hours in 2023


Field Flight Hours in 2023


Aviation Passengers in 2023

JAARS partners with several trusted organizations to reach the world for Christ.
Where We Are

We operate primarily in the green band of rainforest climates. This includes regions with mountainous terrain, wide expanses of open ocean, treacherous rivers, and little to no roads, public transportation or communications infrastructure.
Where We're Going

We see promising opportunities emerging in the heart of Africa and the South Pacific. There, we aim to launch new operations to bring the gospel to some of the most remote and unreached people groups on earth. Our organization continually seeks guidance through prayer, asking God to reveal where our skills and resources are most needed in his kingdom work. We are committed to stepping boldly through the doors he opens.
Where Do You Fit?

JAARS conducts Air, Land and Sea Operations all around the world. There are countless opportunities for you to partner with us or join the crew and grow your God-given skills to advance his kingdom.

Whether you’re interested in joining the crew, or are prayerfully considering fueling the mission financially, there is a place for you in the last mile push!

Answer the Call

Join the crew serving around the world or prayerfully consider fueling the mission with a one-time, recurring or unique financial gift.

Love Our Stories. Live Yours.

Learn more about how God is using JAARS on the global mission field.
Air Ops

Flying to the Ends of the Earth

Sea Ops

River Safety: South American Missions

JAARS Stories

Whatever It Takes

Air ops

Becoming a Mission Aviator

Air Ops

Keeping a Helicopter in the Air

Land Ops

4WD Training in Waxhaw
