Exciting Things are Happening At JAARS

A New Way of Doing Business

BJ Diggins supervising three Orientation courses occurring simultaneously via Zoom. Pictured are: PC6 Maintenance class taught by Chip Jones and Jon Thomas (top left); K100 Maintenance class taught by Jon Damon and Bryan Jones (right); C206 Flight Ground School taught by Chuck Daly (bottom left) Photo credit BJ Diggins

Aviation training has been an integral part of JAARS since its beginning in 1948, but it looks very different today. JAARS writer Richard Shipman, a former Navy and commercial airline pilot and contributor to the Navy’s aviation safety magazine, helps us understand how new training techniques are making effective use of the ever-changing nature of technology. Read more.


Valuable Souvenir

Find out more here about JAARS Vision Flights, a new aviation event offered to young people 12 to 21 who are interested in mission aviation.


You Never Know

The JAARS R44 training helicopter in the mountains of NC

Imagine this: In your overseas assignment you will be driving a 4WD vehicle with an automatic transmission yet the only training option offered to prepare you is a course that uses a manual-transmission vehicle. The training is still valuable, but not as beneficial as it could be. The JAARS Aviation Training department has a similar issue with their helicopter training. Read about a solution here.