The Dema people with a language survey team in front of the helicopter at Larame.

On the southeastern tip of Papua New Guinea (PNG) in Milne Bay Province live the Dimas, an unreached people group who have little-to-no access to Scripture in their language. 

In December, John and Kelly Knickerbocker traveled via helicopter to the area to assess the potential for a new Bible project among the Dimas. 

Because the Dimas are separated from the mainland by the ocean and there are no open airstrips in this region, let alone roads, helicopters are the only current way to reach them. At present, even a boat is not an option because pirates have made it unsafe to use the Kwadima II, the boat leased by JAARS in the area. 

Helicopters require a lot of maintenance to keep them operating optimally and safely. SIL-PNG’s aviation maintenance team has an immediate need for three experienced aircraft mechanics with at least three more needed over the next couple of years. 

If the team does not receive more maintenance specialists, flights to serve unreached people groups may slow down or even stop. 


Give now to Global Ops to provide the training and equipment needed to send more maintenance specialists overseas: $70,000 per year will provide for one maintenance specialist.